♥ Pinky Lover ♥

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Motivational Article

Hey, Guys..!!
Hope you guys are doing great...
I would like to share one of the article that i read..
I hope this article is able to motivate you...
I really love this article..
What day of the week do you dislike the most?I ask folks this question from time to time and more often than not, the reply is usually "Monday."When asked the reason, most would say "because I have to go back to work or school."Typical answer yet interesting. If one dislikes Monday because of school or work then why does one continue to go back to work or school? I believe that folks like this are probably in the wrong job or studying the wrong course and probably should look for something that enables them to enjoy Mondays - and every other day for that matter. Those who genuinely enjoy work or school probably wont give "Work or School" as the reasons they dislike Monday.
The Jigsaw Puzzle
Life is a jigsaw puzzle. You don't know whats going to go where, you don't know where the pieces are but you do know that you need to keep looking for the pieces and figure out where they go. All events that happen to you is a piece of your puzzle. if you are stuck in a rut at school or work and keep asking yourself the "what if" question then its a sign telling you that there are no more pieces of the puzzle to be found where you are.
Getting To The Point
Given today's technology, one can put wo/man on the moon, split the atom and even replace the keyboard with a single wheel. But what humans have not figured out is how to sell bottles of time on the shelf. Just imagine - you walk into a store and say "Gimme the usual bottle of an hour."Time is not on your side - its a friend for the duration for life but it never sides with you - never be under the assumption that time will favor you.
Self - Our Biggest Enemy
Many folks make excuses for themselves like "but I got no time to do X" or "by the time I get home I'm so tired." Folks like these are actually their own biggest obstacle because they build a tall wall of an excuse to do nothing.
If one can make time to eat, poo and pee then one can make time if they are passionate enough to start learning, experiencing, building or meeting. Lets encourage ourselves - not discourage buy making excuses.
The human race is still relatively young and we all have basic needs. One of the needs is to eat.If you just sat in front of your computer for hours on end, most of you will eventually get up from your desk and seek food.If there is nothing in the refrigerator or cabinets, you will either call for a pizza or go out to get something.If all the shops around you were closed, you would travel to another part of town to seek food. You could alternatively wait until the morning when the shops open but you will still go out to get food.The point I'm trying to make here is that if you really want something, you have the ability to get it.Some of us have health constraints that may prevent us from easily doing stuff but if you are relatively healthy and can easily move around then you really don't have any excuse to do nothing.
Wrap Up
If you are unhappy with your current line of work and presuming that you work for 8 hours, sleep for 8 hours and use the reminder of the 8 hours for commutation, hygiene, recreation and nourishment consumption - you are spending 33% of your life doing something that constantly fuels that burning question of "what if" - don't fuel that question anymore - go out and do something!
It could be anything from starting to meet recruiters, taking up a new course or activity, research, meeting people with similar interests and so on. I may make it sound plain and simple but in fact it is. Something leads to something. Nothing leads to nothing.
Money is indeed important in this society we live in and I understand that one may need to do something that one may not exactly like to make ends meet. But, one can also be doing something on the side at the same time (learning, experiencing, meeting) in order to fulfill ones real passion. If you truly believe in yourself, your skills and ability, then you will be successful anyway - meaning that if you are going to ditch a well paid job to take a risk of a lower paying position where you can fulfill your passion, you will eventually make it anyway - because its you.
Taking the leap from safe comfortable steady ground into an unknown void is not something that comes easily. Humans basic instinct is to protect itself and places priority on food and shelter and taking risks could affect these necessities.But life is not just about being comfortable - its about living your passion.You can spend most of your life doing something you dislike to bring in the money which pays the bills which enables you to go back to work another day to bring in the money which pays the bills which enables you to go back to work another day to bring in the money which pays the bills which enables you to go back to work another day to bring in the money which pays the bills...
Life is short. One may not appreciate just how short it is while we are young but really start to understand as we get older.
Hope this article may help your life too...
Have a nice reading:)

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