♥ Pinky Lover ♥

Friday, October 15, 2010

151010-Alles Gute zum Geburtstag zu mir

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag zu mir...
Happy B'day to me...
Zhu wo shen ri khuai le...

Thank you for all of your greeting through phone, message, msn or YM and facebook:))
I was so blessed with all of your greeting:)
This year birthday party was totally different with other years.. I have a lot fun with you gals/guys:)

First of all, I would like to thank to:
1. My daddy and mommy Thank you for support me all the times..
I received call from mom and dad on 14 october 2010..I really miss you guys ..
Facebook wall from mom: Taslim Ratna Mat ulang tahun moga tambah sukses sgala bidang dari pa en ma
Love you, mom & Dad:)

2. My Siblings -Zhang Family
Thank you for celebrating my bday for more than one times..
I felt so touch . I did love this year birthday because this year birthday was not cruel than last year:p Gratitude to have all of you here:)

3. BB -Mr.Wong
it was so upset and dissapointed when you were not around during my birthday. But it's so suprize that you made something that you never did before.
Thank you for spend your time, energy and special day for me:) ILU:)

I wish you win on your competition..Good Luck, BB:)

4. Besties & All of my friends Thank you for all of your greating and I was so blessed that day:) Thank you for your birthday gift as well .I Luph it so much. Thank you for birthday dinner and party .It was fun and great day, I won't forget that moments

5. MD, GM, and other colleagues
Thank you for your greating:)

Here are my Birthday Party:

1. Birthday Treat with Delia san & May San
Thank you beibe:) it was so suprized.

To look at more picture, you may visit here

2. Birthday with Siblings
Thank you for celebrating my birthday more than one times... Luph you gals..xoxo:)

Food & Beverages:

To look at more picture, you may visit here & here

3. Birthday Party with besites:)
It was great and fun day and at the same times it was horrible day I have a lot fun that night...I will never ever remember what was happen that night:p
Thank you beibe...:)

Birthday Present:

1. From BB
I am going to have my own website soon..it is going to launch soon:)

2.From S & V:

Thank you, Gals:)

3. Thank you for red monster for your Oleh-Oleh

Lastly, Video from de zii sista:

Anyway, Hope you guys/gals enjoy read my blog:)
Have a nice evening, Readers:)

Shu Qin♥

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