when I am having my breakfast, J comes toward me. we had a short term conversation. it might be useful for me. J shares his experince in term of relationship, make a friend, save money, needs and wants, and religion. He wanted me to think of future and Saving.we started our conversation from " old chang kee".
He: you re so rich...You bought an expensive breakfast."
Me: hahaha..it's okay. I love it. Once a week I bought the yu diao.LOL.
He: Alright. since you still young, you must think to save your money.
Wohoo...!!Someone have told the same statement to me before...!!
His Experiences:
* Future and Saving Money:
when I was young, I did not have any money to support my life. I have to pay some debt that i borrowed from someone. I was worked at DMG Shanghai for 3 years. After I back from Shanghai, I paid all my debt to them. anyway, I was failed on my business last time. from now on, I started to think differently. I learn from my mistake.I and my wife stayed with my family. we stayed a same room with my brothers. (Can you imagine if you were his wife?) . finally, I bought a resell hdb for me and my wife to stay. on that time, I used my own money to pay the hdb since my wife did not work.
His advice:
Since you still young, try to think to save money. Make a statement on your own plan for your future. do some a record for your daily finance and set a budget for your finance. you must feel secure on your finance first, then you re able to buy whatever you wants. example, one day maybe you can afford to buy a resell hdb at singapore. (I Hope so)
* Needs and wants:
You must clarify what you needs and wants. Needs and wants are different. Don't because you want to follow a trend, you must buy the latest stuff that you do not really need its. ask your self what do you need right now? it's important for you to think what do you need? and what do you want?
(Yeah, you re right.But sometimes I cant control my self. anyway I am trying my best to figure its. again, Someone has told me the same statement before)
* Make a friend:
Since you re still young, expand your circle of your friends. Get to know more people. Network is important in our life. (Yeah, I am looking forward)
Problem is not comes to you, but you find a problem for yourself. Don't make your self to seek a trouble.
* Relationship:
~Communication is very important elements in relationship.Both parties must understand each other. if one party face a problem, the other party should give an advice and face it together. for example, when you look at the mirror, you need others to give you an opinion. you re here not telling your partner " you must do that, you must do this". you just give an opinion/ suggestion to her/him. let he/ she makes his/her own decision.
~yeah, we know humans has their own anger. whenever your partner is not a good mood, give him/ her a time to cool down first.
~ Don't ever take your work problem in to your relationship.
after he suffer on his life, he becomes successful now. eventhough he becomes successful on his life, he still practice what he said to me.He still save his money to survive his life.
Last, He told me: trust me!I had face its. you may start to save 70% of your salary.Learn from my mistakes.
Me: Thanks for sharing your experience.I will do it:)
He: Alright, I want to see you become successful in future.
Me: Amien:) I Wish...!!
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