Sunday, February 28, 2010
a simple word but not an easy action...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
This is my desire
this is my desire to honor you
lord with all my heart
i worship you
all i have within me
i give you praise
all that i adore
is in you
lord i give you my heart i
i give you my soul
i live for you alone
every breath that i take
every moment im awake
Friday, February 26, 2010
How Did I Fall in Love with you!!
When I read the title of this song...
My heart told me I wanna to know what song is that??!!
So I quickly press play to the video that my friend shared...
I love the music and the lyric of that song...
How Did I fall in love with you by Backstreet Boy
Remember when, we never needed each other
The best of friends like
Sister and Brother
We understood, we'd never be,
Those days are gone, and I want you so much
The night is long and I need your touch
Don't know what to say
I never meant to feel this way
Don't want to be
Alone tonight
What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?
I hear your voice
And I start to tremble
Brings back the child that, I resemble
I cannot pretend, that we can still be friends
Don't want to be,
Alone tonight
What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?
Oh I want to say this right
And it has to be tonight
Just need you to know, oh yeah
I don't want to live this life
I don't want to say goodbye
With you I wanna spend
The rest of my life
What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?
What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
Everything's changed, we never knew
How did I fall, in love, with you?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Don't Care!!
Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. and Who I wanna be.
Let you judge and distribute some of rumor about me!!
eventhough I can't see and heard, but I can Feel!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
plan for your holiday in 2010
No worries..!!
it suitable for people who love travel..
NATAS FAIR IS BACK!! (Singapore Area)
it will held on 26-28 February 2010 @ Singapore Expo Halls 4 & 5
it will held on 12-14 March 2010 @ PWTC
To find our more about these two travel,
Please visit this website:
Have a nice holiday, People!
Monday, February 22, 2010
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
Need you Now!!!
Reachin for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever crossed your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now
Ooo, baby, I need you now
By: Lady antabellum
I Luph This song so much...
It expresses my feeling right now!!
why do every galz like flower?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Happy to know you, Gals..!!
eventhough we just met one times..
but I feel you gals are really friendly, outgoing, and rock..!!
I feel enjoy and convenience when I hang out with you gals..!!
You Gals are really Rock...!! Looking forward for next hang out, Gals!!

“True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.”
Bear Bear...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine

Take care....See you again..
Monday, February 8, 2010
Work to Live...Dont Live to work
If you want to improve the quality of your work, change how you've been doing things. See things in a different angle. Look for better or faster alternatives to get the same work done. The other thing to do is change yourself. You can't afford to remain lazy, disinterested, and uninitiated.
This is one of the ways to overcome procrastination and push you to take action. Project the image of your achievement of the desired goal. Visualize what it looks and feels like when you finished your task. Think of the compliments, acknowledgements, satisfaction and financial rewards.
One of the ways to improve work productivity is to come on time. Employers look at your tardiness when they do your performance appraisal.
Plan your work before your start your day. Without preparation, you can feel overwhelmed. Set your priorities so that you can manage your working time effectively, finish your given task on time and reduce work stress.
Lack knowledge, interest or skills are some of the reasons for not getting your job done or producing unsatisfactory work. Identify your weakness so that you find a solution and make the appropriate decisions in improving work performance. Find your strengths and focus on them and use them to your advantage.
Pay attention to the details in whatever you do. Strive for excellence instead of mediocrity. Check for grammars when you type your letters or memorandums. Avoid as many mistakes as you can. If you do make errors, learn from them, make corrections and don't repeat them. Get 7.organized.
Mess shows that you are disorganized. A clean desk and proper filing allow you to have a clear head and can improve your productivity in the workplace.
Learn on how to improve your interpersonal relationship, leadership and communication skills. These skills will assist you in improving your work performance, gaining cooperation and getting your message across to your colleagues, superiors or subordinates.
Study your job and find ways in improving work performance. You don't have to stick to the same old way of getting your tasks done. Take the initiative to do something more or different. Learn any new technology that can assist you and make your work easier.
Ask when you don't know or don't understand. It doesn't make you look stupid. Instead it shows that you are interested and willing to learn.
If you don't like your job, you will not feel motivated to work. You will waste your working hours on unproductive things like surfing the internet, checking emails, socializing and gossiping. Don't blame your employer. Instead, find out why you are reacting in such a way. When you get the answers, change yourself or change your occupation.
Effortless English

50 ways to increase your productivity...
Here are 50 ways to increase your productivity and add hours to your day.
1. Take a break. You can’t always be working at optimum productivity. Instead, you should shoot for working in short bursts at your most productive times.
2. Set a timer for each of your tasks.
3. Eliminate all distractions. This includes the phone, email notifications, and having multiple web browsers open on the desktop.
4. Distractions should be avoided, but sometimes a bit of music in the background can help you focus. Of course, it doesn’t need to be heavy rock music, but a bit of Beethoven may do you some good.
5. Love what you do. Enjoying what you do is the ultimate way to increase your productivity.
6. Complete your most dreaded tasks first thing in the morning. Whichever activity you are dreading the most is probably the one you need to complete first thing in the morning.
7. Use JDarkRoom. This application allows you to write more efficiently by removing all distractions. You’re given an entirely blank page on which to type. This way, you’re not distracted by the web, e-mail, or IM. When you’re done, you can save your work as a text file.
8. Just start. Often times, starting is the hardest part. Once you get going, you will quickly get into a rhythm that could last for hours.
9. Everyone has a certain time of the day in which they are more productive than others. For me, it’s the morning. Find out when your prime time is for productivity and optimize your work schedule accordingly.
10. Keep a notebook and pen on hand at all times. This way, you can write down your thoughts, to-dos, and ideas at any time. The key is to get everything out of your head and onto paper. This way, your subconscious mind won’t be reminding you about it every other second.
11. Write a blog to chronicle your own personal development and achievements. This keeps you accountable and always working towards self improvement and personal growth.
12. Plan out all of your meals a week ahead and make your grocery list accordingly. This will save you quite a bit of time and money.
13. Step away from the computer. The Internet has become one of the number one distractions. To increase your productivity, try to do as much of your work offline as possible. I do this a lot with my writing and have found it to be very beneficial to simply unplug.
14. Write out a to-list each day. I like to plan my day the night before. This way, I can get started on my most important tasks as soon as I wake up.
15. As you go throughout your day, repeatedly ask yourself, “Am I currently making the best possible use of my time?” This one simple question can be an excellent boost to your productivity.
16. Get plenty of sleep. When you work online, sleep can become a long lost memory. However, it’s important to get plenty of sleep so that your working hours can be as productive as possible.
17. Exercise. Research has shown that midday exercise boosts productivity and morale in the workplace. Take a short walk at lunch to maximize your productivity.
18. Organize your office. The piles of paper around your desk can be a huge barrier on your productivity. Optimize your time by organizing your office, setting up a system, and dumping the junk.
19. Outsource as much as possible. Here are just a few of the companies that will help you outsource your everyday tasks:
20. Use a Tivo or DVR to cut an hour-long television show down to just 40 minutes.
21. Turn off the TV. The average American watches more than 4 hours of television every day. Over a 65-year life, that’s 9 years glued to the tube. Turn off the TV and you are sure to get
more out of life.
22. Listen to educational audio books while you’re driving to work, cleaning the house, exercising, or cooking dinner. Audio learning has the power to add hours to your day. Not to mention, your cranium is sure to thank you for it.
23. Auto pay your bills. This will save you time and eliminate late fees and increased interest rates.
24. Read David Allen’s best-selling book Getting Things Done. This is one of the most important productivity books you will ever read.
25. Focus on result-oriented activities. Pareto’s law states that 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs. This means that 20% of our actions result in 80% of the results. We must find the 20% that is creating the 80% of our desired outcomes and focus solely on those
26. Take shorter showers. This one may sound silly but it’s actually something I struggle with. I spend up to 30 minutes in the shower. Think of the time I could save simply by speeding up a bit.
27. Tell other people about your goals and you will instantly be held accountable.
28. Learn to say “No”. We can’t do everything and therefore we must learn when to say no in order to save our sanity.
29. Go on an information diet. Most of the world lives on information overload. We must eliminate mindless Internet surfing. Stop reading three different newspapers a day and checking your RSS feeds multiple times a day. Otherwise, you’ll never get anything done. The key is to limit yourself only to information that you can immediately take action on.
30. Find a mentor. By modeling after those who have already achieved success, you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.
31. Write your most important tasks and to-dos on a calendar.
32. Set some exciting goals. Without worthy goals, you will never be motivated to get things done.
33. Learn keyboard shortcuts and create keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotKey.
34. Get up early before anyone else. Nothing beats a quiet house.
35. Don’t multitask. Research has shown that multitasking is not productive. For optimum productivity, focus on one thing at a time.
36. Reward yourself for finishing a big task.
37. Shop online whenever possible to avoid going to the store.
38. Batch similar tasks like blog writing, phone calls, email, and errands into a single batch. You will save time by completing similar tasks in one session.
39. Speed up your Internet with a broadband connection. This is the number one Internet time-saver. If you must use dial-up, then you can use accelerators like Propel and SlipStream to double or even triple your speed.
40. Start a polyphasic sleep schedule.
41. Improve your typing speed to save time.
42. Get rid of time wasters. This includes Instant Messenger, video games, Flickr, checking your stats 10 times a day, television, and extraneous Internet surfing.
43. Protect yourself from unnecessary phone time with caller ID.
44. Work from home and avoid the daily commute.
45. Many employers now offer direct deposit. If yours does, then be sure and take advantage of it and save yourself from a number of trips to the bank.
46. Prioritize your tasks ahead of time. By listing your tasks in order of importance, you can make sure that you finish all of your most important tasks during the day.
47. When your reading a book, just read the parts that you need and skip the rest.
48. Cook your meals in bulk so that you will have plenty of leftovers. Avoid having to cook everyday.
49. Learn to speed read.
50. Use Windows hibernation feature to avoid the slowdown of exiting and restarting Windows.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A Special Thank you
Thank you for supporting me all the times..
Thank you for showing me a better way on my life...
Thank you for hearing me when I was down..
Thank you for being patient to hear all of my grievance...
I'm Looking forward for next challenge to improve my life...
I Know it's just a begining..
No matter what, I am trying to improve my self to achieve my dream...
My dream is My Goal...!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
J Share his experiences (a simple way)

when I am having my breakfast, J comes toward me. we had a short term conversation. it might be useful for me. J shares his experince in term of relationship, make a friend, save money, needs and wants, and religion. He wanted me to think of future and Saving.we started our conversation from " old chang kee".
He: you re so rich...You bought an expensive breakfast."
Me:'s okay. I love it. Once a week I bought the yu diao.LOL.
He: Alright. since you still young, you must think to save your money.
Wohoo...!!Someone have told the same statement to me before...!!
His Experiences:
* Future and Saving Money:
when I was young, I did not have any money to support my life. I have to pay some debt that i borrowed from someone. I was worked at DMG Shanghai for 3 years. After I back from Shanghai, I paid all my debt to them. anyway, I was failed on my business last time. from now on, I started to think differently. I learn from my mistake.I and my wife stayed with my family. we stayed a same room with my brothers. (Can you imagine if you were his wife?) . finally, I bought a resell hdb for me and my wife to stay. on that time, I used my own money to pay the hdb since my wife did not work.
His advice:
Since you still young, try to think to save money. Make a statement on your own plan for your future. do some a record for your daily finance and set a budget for your finance. you must feel secure on your finance first, then you re able to buy whatever you wants. example, one day maybe you can afford to buy a resell hdb at singapore. (I Hope so)
* Needs and wants:
You must clarify what you needs and wants. Needs and wants are different. Don't because you want to follow a trend, you must buy the latest stuff that you do not really need its. ask your self what do you need right now? it's important for you to think what do you need? and what do you want?
(Yeah, you re right.But sometimes I cant control my self. anyway I am trying my best to figure its. again, Someone has told me the same statement before)
* Make a friend:
Since you re still young, expand your circle of your friends. Get to know more people. Network is important in our life. (Yeah, I am looking forward)
Problem is not comes to you, but you find a problem for yourself. Don't make your self to seek a trouble.
* Relationship:
~Communication is very important elements in relationship.Both parties must understand each other. if one party face a problem, the other party should give an advice and face it together. for example, when you look at the mirror, you need others to give you an opinion. you re here not telling your partner " you must do that, you must do this". you just give an opinion/ suggestion to her/him. let he/ she makes his/her own decision.
~yeah, we know humans has their own anger. whenever your partner is not a good mood, give him/ her a time to cool down first.
~ Don't ever take your work problem in to your relationship.
after he suffer on his life, he becomes successful now. eventhough he becomes successful on his life, he still practice what he said to me.He still save his money to survive his life.
Last, He told me: trust me!I had face its. you may start to save 70% of your salary.Learn from my mistakes.
Me: Thanks for sharing your experience.I will do it:)
He: Alright, I want to see you become successful in future.
Me: Amien:) I Wish...!!
she yell on me!!!

Hey People..!!
What a pity day today..!!
Actually, I dont really care when she yell on me..
I dont even know what's going on??I just help people who asked me to arrange it.
Then I did it.
You may tell me a properly way. I think it must better than yell on me.!
Anyway,I dont like people yell on me!!
I don't want to argue with you..
I better keep a silent..!!
and I dont think it was my fault!!
Does she hate me?does she scare that i take over her jobs?
I never expect of good offering toward you dont blame me about that!!
I have told you many times" I am not the one who did it" but you keep mumble on me!!
You yell me infront of many may influence them and judge bad about me!
I don't really care!! I love who I am. So take your time to judge me then..
Yeah..!!sometimes jealous is one of negative elements in our life..
Hello..Come on!! you better throw of it!!
So..I never afraid to face life!!
I am not a little baby anymore..!!
a simple quote:
Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.”
I Love this Quote:
“Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing.”
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What is Income Tax??Do I need to Pay??!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I Love Him!!